Nurturing Your Feet: Your Guide to Avoiding and Treating Sports Injuries

Physical activity is a pillar of a healthy lifestyle, providing numerous benefits for our well-being. However, with any form of exercise, there’s always the risk of injuries, particularly in sports. The foot and ankle, being essential components in our mobility, are commonly affected areas. At Rainier Foot & Ankle, we specialize in treating sports-related injuries to get you back on your feet and into the game.

Our monthly focus for October is all things Sports Injury!

Sports that require tight footwear and have a focus on jumping, such as basketball, soccer, track and ballet, often see a higher incidence of foot and ankle injuries. Our feet are the foundation of our bodies, crucial for balance and performing everyday activities. Seeking professional help at the first sign of pain or discomfort is imperative.

Common Causes and Conditions

Sports injuries can result from not stretching or warming up properly, wearing incorrect footwear, and failing to provide adequate support to the feet and ankles. Common conditions arising from these include:

  • Achilles tendinitis: Inflammation of the Achilles tendon due to excessive forces or chronic overuse.
  • Plantar fasciitis: Tightening or tearing of the plantar fascia, resulting in heel pain.
  • Turf toe: A painful sprain of the big toe joint.
  • Sever’s disease: A common cause of heel pain in adolescents. It is inflammation of the calcaneal apophysis (growth plate).
  • Stress fractures: Small cracks in the bone caused by repetitive stress.

Prevention and Treatment: Prevention is always best. Here are some preventative measures you should practice:

  • Wear the correct footwear for your activity.
  • Warm up and stretch before and after exercising.
  • Wearing orthotic inserts.

If an injury does occur, rest assured that most foot and ankle injuries can be successfully treated without surgery. Treatments include:

  • RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) for immediate relief.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as recommended by our podiatrists.
  • Custom or over-the-counter orthotic devices for additional support.


At Rainier Foot & Ankle, we are not just about treating injuries; our goal is to help you avoid them in the first place. Our expert team, led by Dr. Bock, is committed to ensuring you have all the information and support you need to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Contact us today to learn more about keeping your feet and ankles safe during activities.