Welcome to the Rainier Foot and Ankle blog! As experts in podiatric health, we understand the complexities surrounding foot and ankle fractures.

This December, we’re diving deep into the causes, prevention, and management of these common yet often misunderstood injuries. Join us as we explore this crucial topic, and remember, Dr. Bock and our skilled team are here to provide expert care and guidance.

This December is all about fractures!

Rainier Foot and Ankle has the ability to treat any and all foot and ankle fractures and breaks! Winter weather is a recipe for injury so read on and learn how to help prevent injuries and what to do if you do get one.

Causes of Foot and Ankle Fractures:

Fractures in the foot and ankle can occur due to various reasons. Key causes include:

  1. Sports Injuries: High-impact activities and sports can lead to fractures. Proper gear and warm-ups are vital.
  2. Slips and Falls: Simple accidents like slipping on ice or tripping over can cause fractures.
  3. Improper Footwear: Wearing ill-fitting or unsuitable shoes can lead to unnecessary stress on the feet and ankles. 

Prevention Strategies:

Preventing foot and ankle fractures is crucial, and there are several strategies to reduce the risk:

  1. Wear the Right Footwear: Choose shoes that offer support, cushioning, and a proper fit for your activities.
  2. Practice Mindful Walking: Be aware of your surroundings, avoid distractions while walking, and tread carefully on uneven or slippery surfaces.
  3. Strengthen and Stretch: Regular exercises can enhance the strength and flexibility of your feet and ankles.

Exercises for Strong and Flexible Feet and Ankles:

Incorporate simple exercises into your routine to maintain foot and ankle health:

  1. Toe Curls and Spreads: These improve balance and toe mobility.
  2. Heel Raises and Ankle Circles: Great for enhancing ankle stability and calf strength.
  3. Towel Scrunches and Marble Pickups: Fun exercises that improve toe strength and dexterity.

Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Fracture Risks:

Individuals with arthritis or osteoporosis are at a higher risk of foot and ankle fractures. Managing these conditions effectively through diet, exercise, and medication can mitigate the risk.

When to Contact Rainier Foot and Ankle:

If you’re experiencing foot pain, suspect a fracture, or have concerns about your foot health, don’t hesitate to contact us. Dr. Bock and our team at Rainier Foot and Ankle are dedicated to providing top-notch podiatric care. We’re here to support your journey to optimal foot health.


Foot and ankle fractures can be a major setback, but with the right knowledge and care, they can be effectively managed and even prevented. Stay tuned to our blog for more insights and tips. For personalized care and expert advice, schedule a visit with Dr. Bock at Rainier Foot and Ankle. Here’s to healthy steps and a fracture-free future!